I miss them for my own sake; they have been an incredible source of help and strength for us over the past month (!) as we waited for Silas, brought him home and helped Jonas transition to our larger family. And they are also our friends; we have had terrific discussions over the past few weeks, as we always do.
But I also miss them for my children, especially Jonas. Each time he is with my family, he experiences a burst of new language and knowledge. I feel like I watch his mind grow with each passing day he spends with them. He's had more time with my family over the past month than he's ever experienced before, and the leaps I've seen in his vocabulary and communication alone in that time is stunning.
I know he isn't lonely. And with Silas growing larger by the day, in a few months he'll have a full-fledged sibling and friend to spend time with every day. But having family near enriches him so. It enriches us all.
We are alone here when it comes to blood relations, since Egidjus' brother returned to Lithuania last September. It is hard. We have a wonderful family of friends supporting us in Charlottesville; more friends than I've ever had in my life. But I feel the lack of family more palpably with each passing day.
We said goodbye to my sister Emily on Sunday, as she returned to Iowa after a week with us. And now we have said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa. My heart aches. I was so ready to move away from Iowa when I was 21; now sometimes I feel like I'd do anything to return there. Not for the sake of that place, but for the people who live there.
Life is short. Are we wasting our time apart from the ones we love?
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